Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Poached egg, ham and balsamic asparagus

 I love the versatility of eggs, everyone has their favorite preparation.  My son and daughter love scrambled eggs with cheese.  I have a friend that eats a hard boiled egg everyday.  I personally like the gooey egg, you know the one that the yoke oozes out.  Five years ago I wouldn't go near an egg that wasn't completely cooked.  I'm so glad that tastes change and I now appreciate the yellow goo that my parents used to sop up with toast.  That being said I have never made a poached egg, the epitome of yummy goo.  So I of course I went to the expert Alton Brown http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/poached-egg-tips-recipe/index.html.  I used this and it worked almost perfectly, it was slightly more done than I hoped for, but practice makes perfect. 
     Okay enough about the egg, how about that ham.  The trick to making a spectacular ham is basting, basting, basting!  I cover my ham with good ole yellow mustard and brown sugar, then I poor a can of regular Coke over it.  I then bake it according to the chart in the Betty Crocker cookbook.  If you don't have this cookbook get it!  I baste my ham every 15 minutes, I know it sounds like a lot but it is totally worth it.  Finally, the asparagus.  Snap the bottom end of each spear off. The end of the stalk typically has a lighter shade of color and feels thicker and courser than the rest of the plant. A natural break should occur easily when using your hands, but using a knife works as well.  Place the stalks into a colander in the sink, and gently rinse the asparagus spears. The skin of the plant can tear easily, so do not scrub at the stalks--a gentle washing to remove any dust or dirt will do.  Then in a dish toss the asparagus with two tablespoons of olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette, salt and pepper to taste.  I then cook it in a grill pan for about 5 minutes over medium heat.  You then assemble; a slice of ham, four asparagus spears, the poached egg and either salt and pepper or a little chopped parsley.  It makes a really pretty plate and looks a lot more difficult than it really is, Enjoy!
Now that I have made my first couple of poached eggs, I'm going to try eggs benedict this weekend.  I will post if successful :)